Our Service

Children Ministry

Children at Shekinah Glory Church, are a vibrant and exciting community where children can experience the love and care of God in a safe and nurturing environment. We believe that children are a precious gift from God and that they are the leaders of tomorrow. As such, we are committed to helping them grow in their faith and develop their God-given potential.

Our devoted and hardworking volunteering teachers are working selflessly to bring our children into the kingdom of the Lord through to belong them to the family of God.

At Shekinah Glory Church, we offer a range of programs and activities designed to meet the unique needs and interests of children. Our programs include:

Sunday School: Our Sunday School program provides age-appropriate Bible lessons that help children learn about God’s love and His plan for their lives.

Worship Services: Children are invited to participate in our worship services where they can sing and dance to praise God.

Arts and Crafts: We offer various arts and crafts activities that allow children to express their creativity and learn new skills.

Playtime: Our playtime activities provide children with opportunities to develop social skills and have fun with their peers.

At the Children’s Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church, we strive to create an environment that fosters the spiritual, emotional, and physical growth of children. We believe that every child is unique and has God-given talents and abilities that need to be nurtured and developed.

We also believe that parents play a crucial role in the spiritual development of their children. As such, we encourage parents to get involved in our ministry and work together with us to provide the best possible care for their children.

As we look to the Bible, we see many examples of the love and care that God has for children. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” We see this love and care modeled in the lives of parents like Hannah, who prayed for and dedicated her son, Samuel, to God (1 Samuel 1:27-28).

At the Children’s Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church, we are committed to helping children experience the love and care of God and grow in their faith. We believe that children are not just the future of the church but also an integral part of the church today. We are excited to be a part of their journey and to help them develop into the leaders of tomorrow that God has called them to be.

Should you have a child or children who are looking for a community of like-minded peers, we invite you to join us at the Children’s Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church. We believe that together, we can make a lasting impact on our world and bring glory to God.

Youth Ministry

A community of young people who are passionate about growing in their faith and making a difference in their world. We believe that God has called us to be a light in the darkness and to use our gifts and talents to serve Him and others.

As young people, we face many challenges and temptations that can pull us away from God’s path. We may feel the pressure to fit in with our peers, the allure of worldly pleasures, or the confusion of navigating complex moral and ethical issues. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone.

That’s where the Youth Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church comes in. We are a community of young people who come together to support each other, study God’s Word, and grow in our relationship with Him. We believe that by staying connected to God and each other, we can overcome any challenge and make a lasting impact on our world.

As we look to the Bible, we see many examples of young people who answered God’s call and made a difference in their world. One such example is Daniel, who was a teenager when he was taken captive to Babylon (Daniel 1:1-4). Despite facing immense pressure to conform to the ways of the Babylonians, Daniel remained faithful to God and was blessed with wisdom, favor, and influence.

We also see examples of young people who used their gifts and talents to serve God and others. In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul encourages young Timothy to set an example for others in his speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. We see this modeled in the lives of young people like David, who used his musical talent to worship God (1 Samuel 16:18), and Timothy, who used his gifts of leadership and teaching to serve the church (1 Timothy 4:14-16).

At the Youth Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church, we believe that young people are not just the future of the church, but also an integral part of the church today. We are committed to helping young people discover and use their gifts and talents to serve God and others. We offer a range of programs and activities, including worship services, Bible studies, service projects, and social events, to help young people grow in their faith and connect with others who share their values.

So if you’re a young person who is looking for a community of like-minded peers, we invite you to join us at the Youth Ministry of Shekinah Glory Church. We believe that together, we can make a lasting impact on our world and bring glory to God.

Mother's Ministry

Welcome to our page on Mother’s Fellowship, a community of mothers who are committed to growing in their faith and supporting each other as we navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood. We believe that motherhood is a sacred calling and that God has given us the privilege and responsibility of nurturing and shaping the next generation.

As mothers, we face unique challenges and struggles that can feel overwhelming at times. We may feel the weight of balancing the demands of motherhood with our other roles and responsibilities, the pressure of being a good role model for our children, and the responsibility of instilling values and principles that will shape their character and future. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone.

That’s where Mother’s Fellowship comes in. We are a community of mothers who come together to share our experiences, encourage one another, and grow in our faith. We believe that by supporting each other, we can become better mothers, wives, and women of God.

As we look to the Bible, we see many examples of mothers who faced similar challenges and struggles. One such example is Hannah, who longed for a child and cried out to God in prayer (1 Samuel 1:10). Through her faithfulness and trust in God, she was blessed with a son, Samuel, who went on to become a great prophet and leader in Israel.

We also see examples of mothers who honored God and raised their children to do the same. In Proverbs 31:25-28, we see the ideal mother who is “clothed with strength and dignity,” speaks with wisdom, and teaches her children to fear the Lord. We see this modeled in the lives of mothers like Jochebed, who protected and nurtured her son, Moses, and instilled in him a love for God (Exodus 2:1-10).

At Mother’s Fellowship, we believe that the key to successful motherhood is to prioritize our relationship with God and to seek His wisdom and guidance as we raise our children. We also believe that we are better equipped to do this when we are connected to other mothers who share our values and goals.

So if you’re a mother who is looking for a community of like-minded women, we invite you to join us at Mother’s Fellowship. We meet regularly for fellowship, study, and prayer, and we would love to welcome you into our community.

Father's Ministry

Welcome to our page on Fathers Fellowship, a community of fathers who are committed to growing in their faith and supporting each other as we navigate the joys and challenges of fatherhood. We believe that fatherhood is a sacred calling and that God has given us the privilege and responsibility of raising the next generation.

As fathers, we often face unique challenges and struggles that can feel overwhelming at times. We may feel the weight of providing for our families, the pressure of being a good role model for our children, and the responsibility of instilling values and principles that will shape their character and future. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone.

That’s where Fathers Fellowship comes in. We are a community of fathers who come together to share our experiences, encourage one another, and grow in our faith. We believe that by supporting each other, we can become better fathers, husbands, and men of God.

As we look to the Bible, we see many examples of fathers who faced similar challenges and struggles. One such example is King David, who was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14) but also made mistakes as a father. In 2 Samuel 13-18, we see the tragic consequences of David’s lack of discipline and accountability with his children, which ultimately led to rebellion and bloodshed.

But we also see examples of fathers who honored God and raised their children to do the same. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, God instructs fathers to impress His commands on their children and to talk about them “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” We see this modeled in the lives of fathers like Abraham (Genesis 18:19) and Joshua (Joshua 24:15), who prioritized their relationship with God and passed down their faith to their children.

At Fathers Fellowship, we believe that the key to successful fatherhood is to prioritize our relationship with God and to seek His wisdom and guidance as we raise our children. We also believe that we are better equipped to do this when we are connected to other fathers who share our values and goals.

So if you’re a father who is looking for a community of like-minded men, we invite you to join us at Fathers Fellowship. We meet regularly for fellowship, study, and prayer, and we would love to welcome you into our community.


Service Schedule

Services Days Time
Worship Service Sunday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
English Ministry Sunday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Prayer Fellowship Wednesday 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Mother's Fellowship Friday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Music Class Saturday 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM
Cottage Fellowship Saturday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Youth Ministry Saturday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Father's Fellowship Saturday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Dance Class Saturday TBA