Shekinah Glory Church Celebrates Mothers’ Day with Joy and Appreciation

May 14, 2023 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Shekinah Glory Church, 45 Jones Avenue, Rochester, NY 14608

Pastor Honok Subba Inspires Mothers to Flourish in the Kingdom of the Lord

On a joyous and memorable Mothers’ Day celebration, Shekinah Glory Church expressed gratitude and admiration for the mothers within its congregation. The event, held at the church premises, featured a sermon by Pastor Honok Subba, honoring and encouraging mothers to grow in their spiritual journey and dedicate themselves to the Kingdom of the Lord.

Under the theme of embracing motherhood as a divine calling, Pastor Honok Subba delivered an inspiring sermon that highlighted the significant role of mothers in nurturing and shaping lives. He emphasized the importance of mothers’ faith, love, and dedication in raising godly children and fostering a strong foundation within families. As a gesture of appreciation, every mother present at the event was honored with a beautiful rose and offered heartfelt prayers for their well-being, strength, and continued guidance. To further express their gratitude, the church gifted each mother with a sari, symbolizing their elegance and grace.

The celebration continued with a delightful cake cutting ceremony, symbolizing the sweetness and joy that mothers bring to their families and the church community. The atmosphere was filled with love and appreciation as mothers enjoyed this special moment, surrounded by their loved ones.

The day was further enhanced by the performances of the children, who prepared heartfelt dances and soulful songs dedicated to their beloved mothers. The young performers showcased their talents, creating a heartwarming ambiance and adding an element of joy and excitement to the event.


The celebration would not have been complete without the delectable food served to all the mothers and congregation. A wide array of delicious dishes was prepared, reflecting the church’s commitment to nourish both body and soul.

Reflecting on the event, Pastor Honok Subba expressed his gratitude to all the mothers for their selfless love and tireless dedication. He encouraged them to continue growing in their faith and exemplifying the love of Christ in their daily lives.

The Mothers’ Day celebration at Shekinah Glory Church was a beautiful and memorable occasion, honoring the mothers within the congregation. Through the sermon, prayers, gift presentations, performances, and sumptuous food, the church community expressed deep appreciation for the love, sacrifice, and unwavering support of the mothers. This celebration served as a reminder of the significant role mothers play in building a strong and thriving church and community.

Pastor Puspa Rasaily: Graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary

Pastor Puspa Rasaily has successfully completed his Master of Arts in Leadership degree at Asbury Theological Seminary(an esteemed institution located at 204 N Lexington Ave, Wilmore, KY 40390)

As the senior pastor of Shekinah Glory Church, he has been an inspiration to the congregation through his dedicated service and leadership. His commitment to his roles and responsibilities has earned him respect and admiration among the members of his community.

Besides serving as the senior pastor at Shekinah Glory Church, Pastor Puspa Rasaily holds various leadership positions within the Nepali Christian community. He is the president of the Nepali Christian Community of Greater Rochester (NCCGR) and the secretary of the Bhutanese Nepalese Churches of America (BNCA). Additionally, he serves as the secretary of the Global Nepali Speaking Fellowship. Balancing these responsibilities along with being a full-time worker, a father of two children, and a caretaker of older parents is a testament to Pastor Rasaily’s remarkable dedication and time management skills.

Pastor Puspa Rasaily’s graduation from Asbury Theological Seminary and his subsequent achievements exemplify the truth of the God’s words, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”- Philippians 4:13. By relying on God’s strength, he has been able to overcome challenges, balance multiple responsibilities, and achieve success. His story encourages others to trust in God’s provision and find the strength to pursue their dreams.

Pastor Puspa Rasaily’s successful completion of his Master’s degree in Leadership is truly exemplary. His ability to manage multiple responsibilities while pursuing higher education is an inspiration to the congregation and the wider community. By setting an example of lifelong learning and personal growth, he encourages others to pursue their educational goals while fulfilling their commitments to their families and communities.

Today, the congregation celebrates Pastor Puspa Rasaily’s graduation at the Shekinah Glory Church. The celebration includes heartfelt prayers, the exchange of traditional khadas, beautiful bouquets, a congratulatory cake, cards, and thoughtful gifts. The members of the congregation express their gratitude for his leadership, dedication, and the positive impact he has made in their lives.

Pastor Puspa Rasaily’s graduation from Asbury Theological Seminary is a significant achievement, reflecting his commitment to personal and spiritual growth. Through his exemplary leadership, he has inspired the congregation and the wider community. The celebration of his success is a testament to the admiration and appreciation felt by the members of Shekinah Glory Church.

The Lord!

The Lord, our Creator, amazingly made

The sky so vast, with stars and moon arrayed

The ocean deep, the land and mountain high

The hills and trees, where animals can thrive.

In awe of His creation, we can see

The beauty of His love and majesty

So let us lift our voices high and sing

Praises to the Lord, our everything.

But most of all, He fashioned human beings

With love and purpose, for joyful living

He offers us salvation through His Son

The Almighty, the One who makes us one.

His love brings peace and joys beyond compare

He heals our wounds and takes away our cares

So let us look to Him and find our way

To a life of meaning, each and every day.

Yam Lamgadey

New York


Poem by Madhukar Tirwa

Madhukar Tirwa

कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

रुनेहरु हाँसिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

मर्नेहरु बांचीदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

पापीहरु मोड़ीदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

नशाहरु छोडिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

नंगाहरु ढाकिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

घमण्डीहरु पाकिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

भोकाहरू भरीदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

पहाडहरु सरिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

तितोपना भुलिदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला

आत्मिक फल फुलीदिए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला 

                                         -मधुकर तिरूवा 

Poem by Dhan Lamgadey

Late Dhan Lamgadey

क्रिसमस आयो

क्रिसमस आयो नाचौं रमाऊ, बेथ्लेहममा जन्मनु भो येशू मशी

कोरोनाले छेकी दियो मण्डलीलाई, रमाऊ जुम्मा घरै बसी बसी

पिताको आग्या शिरोपर गरी बेथ्लेहममा, बालकरुपमा येशूले जन्म लिए

ज्योतिषी गोठाहरु दर्शण पाए, चिनो डुडमा सुतीरहेका प्रभु येशू नै थिए

मानीसको पाप उठाई लान येशू पृथ्वीमा मानव रुप लिई टेके

यशया अगमबक्ताको पुस्तक येशूले पढी दिदा पुजारीहरूले देखे

सत्य कुरा थहा पाए फरसीहरू पुजारीहरूका मनमा ठूलो संका उठ्यो

विभिन्न बहाना बनाई बनाई  येशूलाई, पकडे आरोप लगाई झुटो

शरीरको बस्र सबै खोली उन्नचालीस क्रोर्राको कुटाई

गाजल काँटी ठोके येशूलाई काठको क्रुसमा सुताई

कती निर्दोष प्रभु येशू हुनुहुन्थ्यो फारसीहरूले गरे कुटाई निन्दा थुकाई

सललल भल बग्यो रगतको क्रुसमा एक थोपा रगत नराखी येशूले शरीर सुकाई

मण्डली बनाई बनाई येशूले रगत दिनु भो आफ्नै सरीर सुकाई

उद्धार  मुक्ती केमा रैछ बुझौ सबले घुडा टेकी शिर झुकाई

    धन लाम्गादे

    रोचेस्टर, न्यूयोर्क

Poem by Dipshika Rasaily

Dipshika Rasaily

कस्तो प्रेम

कस्तो प्रेम  प्रभु तिम्रो
यो सानो मानस पटलले सोच्नै नसल्ने
जसले  सारा ब्रहमाण्डलाई थामेको
अनि चोट लागेका हृदयहरूका निम्ति
असल मलम पट्टी बनेको

(जब अंधकारमा भौंतारी रहेको थिएँ)
संसारको थोकहरूमा खुसी खोजी रहेको थिएँ
आफ्नो न्यानो अंगालो खोली मलाई पर्खिरहयौ
हराएको एक भेडालाई खोज्न आफ्ना गोठालाहरू खटाईरहयौ

(जब मेरो शिरबाट बाबुको छाँया हरायो)
हाय कति हृदय छेडिएको पल त्यो
मेरा हृदयबिदारक सुस्केराहरूलाई तिमीले सुनिरहेका रहेछौ
मेरा नयनबाट बगेका ति आँसु देखि तिमी पनि रोहिरहेका रहेछौ

(मलाई थाहै भएन)
मेरा लरबराएका ति कम्जोर गोडाहरूलाई थाम्न
तिमी सदा भर तत्पर रहेछौ
कस्तो अचम्मको प्रेम तिम्रो

जब तिम्रो प्रेमलाई चिनें
अनि यो हृदयमा मानिलिए
अनन्तको सुकुन महसुस गरें
तिम्रो पाउमा सारा खुसी भेटाऐं

(आशा रहित यो जीवनलाई)
जीउँदो आशाले भरिदियौ
मेरा थकित शिर सुम्सुम्याई
अनन्तको पिता बनिदियौ

तिम्रो अगाप्पे प्रेमलाई
कुनै कुरासँग तुलनानै गर्न नसकिने
तिमीले भन्यौ थाकेकाहरूका बोझ उठाउनलाई आऐं)
साँच्चै नै तिमीमा मेरा सारा थकान मेटिए
कस्तो अनमोल प्रेम तिम्रो

जीवन जिउने क्रममा
तिमी संगसगै हिड्ने क्रममा
कैयौं पटक तिम्रो हृदय दुखाँऐं
तर हरेक पटक छमा पाएको महसुस गरें
कस्तो निस्वर्थ प्रेम तिम्रो

(अझ पनि जब समस्यमा दबिन्छु)
निसपट्ट अंन्धकारमा छट्पटिन्छु
हबकुकको हृदयमा झै प्रश्नै प्रश्नले भरिएका यी नयन उठाई तिमीलाई हेर्दछु

तिमीलाई —— हे प्रभु तिमीलाई मेरा भविस्यका मार्गहरू उज्यालो बनाउन
तल्लिन भएको पो भेटाँउछु
कस्तो गहिरो प्रेम तिम्रो )

                                      दिप्शीका रसाईली

Poem by Lachi Lamgadey
Lachi Lamgadey


प्राथनाको योद्धा सन्तानकी सितल छहारी हुन आमा 

बुद्धीसँग बोल्न सिकाउछिन, सत्यतामा हिडाउछीन् आमा

त्याग तपस्य गर्छीन आमा, भन्छीन परमेश्वरको भय मान 

धार्मीकतामा  डोर्याउछीन आमा, बाँड्छीन सबैलाई असल ज्ञान

परमप्रभुको वचननै शक्ति हो भनि जान्दछीन आमा 

प्रतिष्ठाले शुशोभित हुनुपर्छ हरपल भन्दछीन आमा

विश्वास योग्य उपदेशको खानी, करुनाकी धनी हुन आमा 

आत्मा सत्यतामा रमाउन सिकाउछीन् सधै भरी आमा


                               लच्छी लाम्गादे

Poem by Pastor Puspa Rasaily

Ps. Puspa Rasaily


नवीन आशा, नवीन जोश, सृजिरहओस् थरी थरी सफलताले पाइला चुमून, जीवनमा सधै भरी ।।

लक्ष्य सधै बनिरहओस् सफलताको शिखर छुने
परमेश्वरलाई सुहाउँदो, सच्चा आराधक सधै हुने

उहाँकै नै इच्छा खोज्ने, जीवन बनोस् जीउँदो बली।
बनी शाक्षी निरन्तर, कदम बढुन उकालीओराली

बनाइ निशाना क़ुशको, विस्वासको पाइला चालौ।
खराबीको जड जति, जरादेखि नै उखेलेर फालौ ।।

सॉंचो हाम्रो हातमा है, प्रयोग गरौ सोही रूपमा।
फलवन्त भइ जीउँ, प्रतिबिम्बित उहाँकोस्वरूपमा।

आशिषित बनोस् जीवन, यो सालमा अझ बडी
येशू विना केही गर्न सकिन्न, जानौ सधै यो कडी।।

आशिषमय बनोस् जीवन येशूमा, यही चाहना 

नयॉं वर्ष २०२२ को हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना।।   

                                          –पास्टर पुष्पा रसाईली